Mental log


I think i found the direction I wanna take this style.
The film has to be like a bizarre adventure, atleast that's the only way for me to justify the goofyness.
Also I wanna tell the story with no voice acting if possible.
I might do voice acting for a sequence in the beginning of the movie.
It's weird, because i'm having so many ups and very low downs lately, I guess a lot is changing rn.
Reminds me of the landscape I had in mind for this film hehe.

Goals I had for the day:

Proud of myself, feels like I dragged my way out of a really bad place.
I did everything on that list + modelled the character.
Its awesome because I was out of blendering for atleast 2 weeks.



Focusing on making sure I use my time effictiently,
for starters I didn't bother looking up how to write that correctly. Its a good day.
Focussing mainly on getting the character rigged, and the bicycle. I will return.

Rigged both, first of all: rigging the character wasn't hard
I'm glad I rigged it this early, because there are some flaws in the mesh that occur in certain poses.
Adding that to the list. The bike is rigged, pretty properly. I just need more control.
I just remembered I gotta start thinking about the music and sounddesign in general.


New day new me. Did life drawing at school today, getting better. Even tho I am not rly seeing any difference at the moment, I'm positive the lessons are working.
Its not about creating beautiful drawnings, its more about being comfortable with a pen or pencil or whateva the fuck u wanna use.
I also picked up a book from my school's library called ''Character Animation Fundamentals'' by Steve Roberts.
I flipped through some pages and there probably is some useful stuff for me to learn so pretty excited about that.
I never go to the libary when at school, but I kinda always wanna. Im just so self-conscious all of the time. Idk what it is, I guess im just wired this way.
But today was different, today is a new me I thought in the back of my mind.

When I got home I decided to watch Baby Driver, finally. I remember wanting to watch that movie when it just came out in like 2017?
But my dad was like ''nah not worth it to go to the cinema for that, we can just download it when its on dvd later this year.'' ooh boy was my dad right.
Imagine paying to see that movie in cinemas.
Anyways, big reason I wanted to watch this movie today is because a classmate was like:
''OOOh u should watch Baby Driver, big inspo for ur movie I think.'' and yeah he was right, feeling pretty inspired.
He also gave me some cool ideas regarding some plot holes I had and especially the ending of the movie, so congratulations; ur making it to the credits my guy.

Feels like I didnt do shit this afternoon, I have to remind my self that its okay to watch a fucking movie.
The biggest topic for me right now is discipline. I got some, but I need lots of it...



I forgot about the blog, that means I have been working.
I saw a short of Steven Spielberg telling kids that everybody with a phone could be a filmmaker.
He shouldnt give out this information so freely. Of course Spielberg is trying to tell the passionate kids to follow their passion.
The kids who are hungry for attention and money will take it the wrong way, its a sad world we live in.
Jokes aside, I love using limited hardware.
It forces me to develop discipline, I'm facing the reality here. Like forreal, doing this movie
made me really face this machine I neglected for too long. My pc is old, and shit takes long dude.
I'm saving for new hardware tho, this summer hopefully... It feels like im contradicting what I've said about limited hardware
but its like the ups and downs of life. I use the slow machine for learning discipline: and I will use the discipline power ups
to fuel my work with the future machine.